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Learn How To Start Investing In Real Estate

Your Email Newsletters Are Horrible, Please Stop Sending Them

Written by Than Merrill

Real estate investing businesses and full time investors have been hounded with the importance of building their opt-in lists as well as following up with emails. Unfortunately many seem to be doing themselves more harm than good with the types of email newsletters they are sending out. Whether you aren’t seeing the results from your email campaigns you hoped for or you are planning to launch new email campaigns for your real estate investing company keep reading…

4 Reasons email newsletters fail…
1. You are sending too many
Some businesses can get away will sending multiple emails everyday but if you are just sending the same or boring information prospects will opt out. This can actually mean doing a lot more harm than good. Staying at the forefront of people’s minds is great and you should absolutely update them to new opportunities but don’t just send them for the sake of it if you have nothing valuable to add.
2. They’re Too Long
Long scrolling newsletters are out. Remember the primary reason you are sending them. You want people to visit your real estate investing website, blog or to contact you. If you are giving away too much there is no reason for them to click-through. Plus, too much text often simply makes it look too much work to read and they are on to the next email. Try short and sweet.
3. “Final Notice”, “Last Chance”
Maybe it’s time to ease up on the cheese factor. Prospects will respect honest calls to action and act if they are valuable but by your fifth ‘last chance’, they aren’t going to take you seriously anymore and probably won’t bother to open future emails.
4. The Links fail to deliver too
Where do the links in your emails take them? Hopefully not to more long, scrolling pages or pages with too many links and please no more sign-up forms. Clear the roadblocks. Make it easy for them to buy, sell or invest with your real estate investing business.