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Learn How To Start Investing In Real Estate

Real Estate Investing: Are You Using Press Releases?

Written by Than Merrill

Press releases are being used more and more by businesses of all sizes to promote themselves, gain exposure and position themselves as experts in there areas.

This is not a publicity opportunity that real estate investing companies should overlook either. You have no doubt seen press releases in your local news in many forms including those from real estate and finance companies. However you can also use press releases online as a form of article marketing that can be spread virally around the web turning one news byte into hundreds of marketing pieces. Plus by using backlinks you can use these press releases to drive in more leads and increase the search engine rankings of your real estate investing website.

Press releases are really not that hard to create. They can focus on the launch of your real estate investing business, new website launches, additions to your staff, new partnerships or moving into new offices. Most PR websites offer guidelines on how to structure your press releases, though if you do not have time or do not feel that you are the best writer you will find plenty of freelancer writers you can outsource too. Expect to pay between $10-$30 for a good press release, though remember this can be turned into many advertising pieces. As a general rule you will want you press release to be at least 450 words and while it should include keywords and links to your site it should not be seen as a blatant advertising effort.

Do not just limit yourself to the web though. Local and national newspapers, community newsletters and industry magazines are always in need of additional content. Send your news worthy real estate investing press releases out to as many as possible, you never know who will pick up the story and help you reach a new level of brand recognition.