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Learn How To Start Investing In Real Estate

Can Real Estate Investors Raise Money with Kickstarter?

Written by Than Merrill

Is all the cash you could ever want to fuel your real estate investing just a click away? is the web’s hot crowdfunding site which has propelled many entrepreneurs into the spotlight and landed them tens and even hundreds of thousands of dollars for their projects but can it work for those in real estate investing?

Kickstarter has been responsible for funding an incredible variety of projects, with many receiving 100% of their requests in less than 24 hours and others receiving over 1,000 times what their original funding goals were. Plus it has proven to be an incredibly powerful publicity tool.

Many real estate investing pros may have discarded the idea of utilizing this crowd funding platform as it clearly states it isn’t t be used for financing real estate. However that doesn’t mean investors can’t use it to their advantage.

In fact there are numerous marketing, branding and lead generation tools that Kickstarter can be used to fund for investors using the right spin including:

  • Photography
  • Books and ebooks
  • Mobile apps and games
  • Short videos and films
  • Saving buildings and communities
  • Funding community events

For investors who aren’t that creative and don’t want ot put their innovation to the test there are other crowd-funding and peer-to-peer lending platforms which could potentially work for raising private money for real estate investing.

Other sites to take a closer look at may include:

  • Indiegogo
  • Microventures

Smart investors will do additional research of their own before launching campaigns on these sites to assess what has helped others become so successful while some have flopped.

In order to realize the best results it is certainly smart to make sure your plan is well thought through, necessary branding and credibility elements are up on the web and it certainly doesn’t hurt to back it up with a good social media and press release campaign.