Learn How To Start Investing In Real Estate
Learn How To Start Investing In Real Estate

When More Real Estate Leads Are a Bad Thing

Written by Than Merrill

So you want MORE buyer and seller leads for your real estate investing business?

What if more leads actually meant making less money?

There are a number of easy ways to generate lots of leads and phone calls from individuals wanting to buy and sell homes. Ads in the local newspaper, yard signs and to some extent direct mail campaigns can all yield hundreds of inbound calls with the right wording.

However, more real estate investing leads isn’t always a good thing. It can feel good to be ridiculously busy answering calls, returning emails, going on appointments and doing meetings. Though unless they lead to real deals and more importantly real money what’s the point?

If you crave the interaction and mayhem that badly there are plenty of other investors who would probably love for you to screen their calls for them. If you want to make money on the other hand, attracting highly targeted leads which bring viable real estate investing deals is the key.

You don’t need a ton of them, you just need the most profitable and easiest to close.
Many investors probably really do make what others do in a 100 hours a week in just 4. Being a glorified receptionist clearly doesn’t demand a massive paycheck or incredible wealth. On the other hand being a high level deal maker you could effectively, potentially make in excess of $60,000 an hour.

Perhaps at least as a rule you should be shooting to at least make more an hour than a decent real estate attorney. After all, if you are in real estate investing long enough, sooner or later you are going to want to make use of their services.

If you want to turn up the volume of the number of homes you are flipping and really believe you need more leads to accomplish that then ask yourself how you can set up a system and who you need to employ to do the low level work in order to be able to focus on the real money making tasks.