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Learn How To Start Investing In Real Estate

Real Estate: Urgent Tweaks for Social Media Strategy

Written by Than Merrill

Is your social media really performing as well as you had hoped?

The social media landscape is quickly changing for real estate investing and those who aren’t on top of it are going to see their ROI drop and won’t see the leads they hoped for.

So what’s changing and what do investors need to be doing to maximize their efforts?

Recent data on Twitter reveals that only a small fraction, potentially less than 25% of users are still active. That also doesn’t factor in the fact that many marketers run dozens of them for each of the niches they are in. In other news it was also revealed how few actually post their own Tweets, instead opting for PR firms to take the lead.

Facebook earnings may be up and a whole new arsenal of advertising options may have been released for real estate investors to capitalize on but what will be left of the social network after the “lock-up” period preventing employees from selling their stakes expires next month, potentially crushing the company’s share price into oblivion.

While these two social giants may be losing their appeal, Pinterest, LinkedIn and Google+ continue to produce great results for real estate investing and perhaps should be where investors are focusing much of their social marketing efforts now.

6 Tips to get more social media results for real estate investing:

  1. Take the time to actually assess which types of posts really cause action and which get ignored. What gets your attention?
  2. While offering value is wise real estate investing companies who neglect to include regular calls to action are letting the money float by them.
  3. Ask questions, get people talking and use your social pages for market research.
  4. Make sure you are really pushing people to follow your social profiles at every opportunity from networking events to emails and your blog.
  5. If you don’t have a strategy to funneling visitors through to contacting you the point is being missed.
  6. While there may still be a few good years left in social and the flow should never be shut off or lists abandoned remember all marketing, like the real estate market is cyclical so maintain a good marketing mix.