Learn How To Start Investing In Real Estate
Learn How To Start Investing In Real Estate

Building Your Brand

Written by Than Merrill

Stop what you are doing now! Have you been trying to market your real estate investing business without a solid brand? If so you are probably flushing most of your advertising budget straight down the toilet.

Solid brands are what have built the world’s largest and most profitable organizations. Brilliant brands not only maximize the return on all of your marketing but can enable you to charge a premium for your service and while make closing deals easier than ever before. Every minute and dollar you spend on developing your branding for your real estate investing business will pay off many times.

What should your branding materials for your flipping houses business include? At a minimum this includes choosing a great business name, acquiring a matching website domain name, an easy to remember toll free vanity number, selecting a consistent color scheme and having a logo created. However you will also want to create a slogan and other verbal branding elements that can be carried on throughout your marketing and Internet presence.

All to often new investors rush out after completing their real estate education courses and start running ads and putting up websites without completing their branding. They think this is something they can just do later. However later often never comes. You end up getting tied up in the everyday busy work and never take the time out to complete it. Plus trying to bring your branding together later will confuse customers and means you have already wasted too much time and money.

The above branding materials may have cost a lot of money a few years ago, but by tapping into outsourcing and freelance contractors you will find that you can have research done on names, domain names and available vanity numbers very inexpensively. Great looking logos aren’t even that costly anymore. Start your real estate investing career right and build your brand now.