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Learn How To Start Investing In Real Estate

Email Marketing Tips For Real Estate Investing

Written by Than Merrill

Despite the many new forms of Internet marketing in the last couple of years email marketing is still one of the most effective ways to get your message out for real estate investing.

However in order to maximize your email marketing results for flipping houses you need to be aware of the best techniques. Should you be using HTML or basic text emails? When should you be sending out your emails and what should they include?

HTML allows you to send out fancier looking emails to promote your real estate investing business, however they are often blocked by email providers as spam. On the other hand basic text emails may not look as stunning but they will get through to more prospects. Both have advantages so it is often better to send out a mix of both.

Many real estate investing companies overlook the importance of when email messages are sent out. This make all the difference in a successful campaign. Put yourself in your prospect’s shoes for a moment and think about their email habits. If most of the email addresses you have amassed through your real estate investing website are office workers they are probably slammed with email in the morning Monday through Friday and just don’t have the time to look at personal emails most of the day which can land your email right in the junk folder. However many of these individuals are probably bored on a Friday afternoon and looking for distraction and are more actively looking at properties during the evening or weekend. Another way to judge the best time to email is looking at the traffic on real estate investing website, blogs and social media and see when you get the most activity.

Getting your emails opened is the biggest challenge and subject lines should be given a good amount of consideration. Most people have a short attention span and do not take the time to read long emails so consider sending shorter messages or even videos with links to your real estate investing web assets where they can learn more. Finally make sure that you include links to your social media in your email signature in order to beef up your following.