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How To Calculate Net Worth For Yourself & Your Business

Written by JD Esajian

Knowing your net worth is essential for calculating how you are doing financially. Your net worth can be determined by knowing the difference between what you own and what you owe. If you have assets that exceed the liabilities, you can be sure you have a positive net worth.

Your net worth can determine your financial situation at any point in time. Learning how to calculate net worth is a good plan when you want to see all the money you have earned and see how well you have done for yourself financially.

It will also help you to see if you are off track from your financial goals if you find that your net worth is negative or lagging behind.

What Is Net Worth?

Net worth is the value of assets a person has minus all the liabilities that they owe. It’s also important to know the net worth of companies because it signifies a company’s health and can show them where they are financially and if anything needs to change.

Net worth is often used when individuals or corporations are considered for investments or hedge funds.

If you want to find your net worth, you will need to know the cost of all the things you own minus the costs of the things you owe. There are some net worth calculators online that you can use if you want to have a more straightforward way of seeing your net worth.

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how to calculate net worth for yourseld and your buusiness

What Can Net Worth Tell You?

Even though you might know the definition of net worth, it can be hard to know exactly what it means and how you can use it. If your net worth is negative, it means you owe more than you own. If the number is positive, it means you own more than you owe. So, you always want the number to be positive.

It’s normal for your net worth to fluctuate as you begin to own more things or if you possibly go into debt from a large purchase.

What’s more important than the number is the trend. If the number is trending up overall, then you know your net worth is overall beginning to grow as you are paying down debt and building equity in your home.

Your net worth might temporarily fall, and that’s okay as long as the trend is showing an increase. Net worth might fall if you need to tap into your savings for something or if you need to use part of your retirement fund to cover an unexpected purchase.

Your net worth doesn’t have to be the same as everyone else’s. You just need to find an ideal number for yourself and ensure that you stay around that general number as you age and obtain more investments and tangible items.

You can use a formula to ensure you stay around your goal number. Many experts use this formula to ensure that they are staying on financial track:

Target Net Worth = [Your Age -25] * [1/5 * Gross Annual Income]

As you can see, this target net worth will change as you age and change jobs because your income will also change if you switch careers.

Net Worth Of Yourself

Although you know that net worth is your value after subtracting liabilities from assets, you might wonder what these terms mean and how you can determine your net worth.

Liabilities are the things you owe, such as all your debts. This includes mortgages, credit card balances, car loans, and student loans. It might also include things you haven’t yet paid, like taxes or bills you owe.

Your assets are things you own, such as all the money in your checking and savings accounts, and it also includes stocks or bonds you have. You can also consider your property value and the market value of your car as assets.

Once you have sold enough assets to pay off your personal debt, then you will know your net worth. When calculating your net worth, always make sure you are using the current value of the things you own, like your car or home. You shouldn’t use the value it was when you bought it, as it could be more or less.

Once you see the financial trends of your net worth, you can determine the realities of where you are financially. Determining your net worth will allow you to see where you can do better in terms of finances and investments.

It can show you where you are and help you get where you want to be. Although it can be hard to confront reality, in the long run, it will help you because it can get you back on track.

Net Worth Of Your Business

If you own a business or are interested in the net worth of companies, they work differently than personal net worth. Net worth in businesses is known as the book value or the equity of the shareholders.

The value of a company’s equity is the difference between the total value of the assets and the total liabilities. The values on a company’s balance sheet should show the book values and not the current market values, so they may be inaccurate.

Lenders might determine the company’s net worth to see if it’s financially healthy, as they won’t want to invest in a company where the net worth is falling or negative.

If the company is constantly making profits, the net worth will be higher and rising, encouraging more people to want to be shareholders. If the company is public, the rising net worth will also show an increase in the stock price.

How To Calculate Net Worth

Net worth is easy to calculate even if you have many assets and liabilities. You will also include assets you are still paying for, such as a car still under a loan or a house with a mortgage.

The formula you will use is:

Assets – Liabilities = Net Worth

You do not include your income in the net worth calculation, only assets that you own. This is because you can bring home a hefty paycheck every week or every month and still have a low net worth if you overspend your money.

Even if you have a small income, there are still ways you can save most of it and increase your net worth.

The easiest way to determine your net worth is by going online and finding a net worth calculator. These make it extremely easy to calculate your net worth, as all you have to do is plug in the numbers.

A financial advisor can also help you determine your net worth if you have some extra funds to pay to work with a financial advisor. Knowing your net worth is important, so it makes a huge difference whether you calculate it correctly or not.

What Qualifies As An Asset Or Liability?

The terms assets and liabilities have been used quite often in this article, so you might be wondering what they mean and how to determine your assets and liabilities. Here are some guidelines for each to determine what you own and what you owe:

  • Assets: Assets are things like cash and all the money you have in your checking and savings accounts. It also includes the money in your retirement accounts. You can also include everything you own, including cars, investments, and properties. One thing you can consider is all the things you own that you could sell for cash. These are considered liquid assets. Fixed assets also count towards your net worth and include things like your home if you are using it for home equity lines of credit or if you are willing to sell it.

  • Liabilities: This is any money you owe another person or entity. This also includes all the revolving debt you have, such as your credit card balances and your loan balances, like personal and auto loans that are dedicated to your bank account. Your mortgage also accounts for your liability.

Some people also wonder if you should use your 401k in the net worth calculations. All your retirement accounts can be used as part of the net worth calculation, which includes 401ks. It also includes taxable savings accounts and IRAs.

Example Of Net Worth

An example of net worth can help you with calculations and show you how to plug in the numbers to ensure you get the correct value. Here are some examples to consider:

  • Primary residence is valued at $300,000

  • You have an investment portfolio with a market value of $150,000

  • And you have automobiles and other assets which are valued at $30,000

You also have some liabilities, including:

  • A mortgage balance of $150,000

  • A car loan of $15,000

You will then need to be able to calculate your net worth by subtracting the liabilities from the assets. The equation will look like this:

[$300,000 + $150,000 + $30,000] – [$150,000 + $15,000] = $315,000

This is considered a good net worth because it’s positive. This net worth will also change yearly because your financial situation will change. So, to get an accurate picture of your financial health, you need to calculate your net worth every time you have a significant change in liabilities or assets.

Hopefully, your liabilities will decrease each year because you are paying off the balance. This means your net worth will increase even if you are not gaining any assets. If you are accumulating more debt and not acquiring assets, then you will see that your net worth is dropping.


Net worth is one of the best ways you can understand the wealth of a business or an individual. If you are only looking at the assets, you might be misled because you aren’t aware of all the liabilities and debt.

When someone has taken on too much debt, you will find their net worth might be very low or even negative because they don’t have enough assets to set off large amounts of debt. Ultimately, you want a positive net worth that keeps growing. Learning how to calculate net worth will help you get a better overall picture of the success of your business.

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