Learn How To Start Investing In Real Estate
Learn How To Start Investing In Real Estate

4 Real Estate Content Marketing Ideas (That Actually Work)

Written by Paul Esajian

Unless you’ve spent the last five years living under a rock, chances are, you’re familiar with the term content marketing. How familiar? That will vary person to person. But one thing is for sure: content marketing is no passing fad, so if for nothing else, jump on the bandwagon now to get ahead of the competition.

The purpose of every person’s content marketing campaign will depend on the unique goals every respective individual is trying to accomplish. One professional might use content in an attempt to build an engaged email list, while another might use it to attract leads to the top of their funnel. These two goals may sound different, but they are both striving to achieve the same thing: to increase their bottom lines. In fact, 74.2 percent of companies say that implementing their unique content marketing ideas is increasing their business’s lead quality and quantity, which is exactly what every investor wants; right?

So how can you, as an investor, take advantage of content marketing when your professional goals are different from the objectives of huge corporations? The good news: the strategy is essentially the same, regardless of your industry. The bad news: creating unique content that actually provides value is not as easy as it sounds. Not to fear, because implementing any of these content marketing ideas will help your business stand out in the crowd.

Content Marketing Ideas You Should Implement Today

content strategy

As our world becomes more and more dependent on technology, it is getting harder and harder to produce content that is effective and exclusive to your brand.

It is more common for people to search online for tips and DIY tricks on how to buy or sell a home, meaning homebuyers and motivated sellers are getting less dependent on investors. How can an investor combat this issue? You guessed it; with the right content marketing strategy. No matter how over-saturated with information the internet becomes, there will always be room for investors. Why? Because nothing compares to the advice an investor with experience can provide.

We’ve already established that the internet is getting crowded with content marketers, which is why it is important for investors to build a strategy that sets them apart from their competition. So where do you start? Just take the first step and put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard).

Write An eBook. Writing an eBook is a great way to build credibility and attract new clients at a relatively cheap cost. As a published author, prospective customers will take you more seriously and view you as an expert in your industry. Your eBook does not have to be a lengthy masterpiece. Giving beginner advice based on your experience will be enough to entice consumers, especially if you advertise your eBook as a free download. If you’re looking for a way to generate extra cash flow, an eBook will be your best friend. Sell the file on Amazon and receive a royalty of 70 percent for every copy sold (which is a far higher royalty than you would receive through a traditional publisher). Can’t figure out what topic to write about? Create a survey with potential ideas and ask your blog subscribers, social media followers, email list, or friends and family to answer. Just be sure the topic is something you are extremely familiar with as to ensure readers look at you as a go-to source of information.

Expand Your Social Media Efforts. Because we are living in a digital world, networking online is becoming more popular than in-person networking events. (An introvert’s dream!) If you want to improve your image and boost your brand, being on one or two social channels is not enough. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn are all a must for investors looking to market effectively. Pinterest, Snapchat, Youtube, and Tumblr are platforms for the advanced who use social media as their number one marketing strategy. You can use your social media platforms to promote your services, show off your properties, and most importantly, to engage with your following. Prioritize answering questions to followers who are requesting simple advice. While this process may be time consuming, prospective clients will eventually view you as a reliable and trustworthy expert. If they, or anyone else they know, is ever in need of an investor’s services, your name will be the first that comes to mind.

Optimize Your Blog For SEO. Utilizing real estate SEO will help to increase your real estate website’s visibility in a search engine’s organic – or unpaid – search results. This means that if you optimize your website properly, you will have an increase in prospective clients viewing your site. Think of real estate SEO like the domino effect: when a website is ranked higher on a search results page, it will receive more clicks, meaning more visitors, meaning more leads for your business. All you have to do is give Google, and other search engines, what they want and they will reward you with a top rank. Do this by choosing keywords that are related to your business and highly targeted i.e. “I buy houses in California” (for your website) or “real estate investing marketing ideas” (for your blog). Be sure to place your chosen keyword in your post’s title, tags, alt tags, meta description, URL, heading, and throughout the text. Including your keyword in those crucial spots will help Google find your page easily, and therefore rank it higher, without it being obvious that you are implementing SEO.

Launch An Email Marketing Campaign (With A Twist). Instead of launching your typical run-of-the-mill email marketing campaign, create yours with a twist. Most marketing emails include graphics and bullet points in an attempt to sell a service or announce a new product. As opposed to following this traditional style, consider writing a narrative, or a story, within your email. Think of your email as a blog post with a beginning, middle, and end. Consumers will feel more connected with your brand because storytelling humanizes a business. Tell the tale of your most recent rehab with a direct call to action at the end of the email that takes readers to the listing website. Talk about the ups and downs of your journey and offer advice to those just getting started. Selling a home in a celebrated neighborhood? Tell the story of the town’s historic background again remembering to include a call to action at the end of the email. Readers will be so captivated by your story, they won’t even notice they are reading marketing content!

Implement these content marketing ideas to your overall marketing strategy and your phone will be ringing off the hook with leads in no time.