Google’s latest move has been frustrating to many real estate investing pros and companies. So what are they changing now, and how can you overcome it? Familiarize yourself with the following real estate investor tips to beat Google’s new inbox features.
For those that don’t use Google’s Gmail regularly, and aren’t aware of it, the tech giant just rolled out a new inbox feature that automatically sends broadcast emails to secondary tabs. In other words, if you use an email program like AWeber, MailChimp, iContact, Vertical Response or Constant Contact; your messages are not making it to a users’ primary inbox, potentially reducing their visibility.
What can be implemented to ensure that your prospects are actually receiving your emails so that they have the chance to act on them? Your email may be your best connection to keeping up with the housing recovery. Using the following real estate investor tips, you can maximize the exposure of your important emails:
1. Educate Them
This Gmail change might not be an issue if your contacts are highly active investors themselves and are constantly looking for your updates and promotions. Others, however, may be completely unaware that they are missing out. So let current and new additions to your list know where to check for your updates and when.
2. Gather More Contact Info
Simply requesting an email address might have been fine in the past, but connecting it to social networks could really help ensure they don’t miss important messages. It may prevent your real estate investing efforts from being sabotaged by a future platform change like this.
3. Start Using Google+
Of course, one of the main reasons for this move by Google is to force more businesses to use its other services. As most real estate investing companies aren’t well positioned to fight back and force the tech giant to change, you can join them by migrating your email contacts over to Google+.
4. Timing
Gmail users still get notifications when they receive messages in their “sub-inboxes,” but your messages may only be read with great timing. So test sending in the morning, in the middle of the day, and later in the evening and see which yields the best results.
5. Use Gmail
The most obvious fix, yet one that might take the most work, is to send important messages to groups from Gmail. Just be cautious about spamming and revealing anyone’s address to others.