Learn How To Start Investing In Real Estate
Learn How To Start Investing In Real Estate

12 Reasons You Need A Real Estate Investing Education

Written by JD Esajian

Key Takeaways

  • Obtaining a truly great real estate investing education is the first step in securing a financially sound future.
  • An investment in education should provide prospective real estate investors with the highest return on investment.
  • The benefits of investing in real estate are made more available to those who seek to educate themselves habitually.

Statistics show that the American middle class is shrinking, while at the same time Americans are retiring later on average. This means as a country we are working more, but making less. Do you want to be part of that statistic? If not, it may be time for you to consider looking into a real estate investing education.

The first step is a real estate education.  Drive, determination and work ethic, combined with a substantial commitment to educating yourself, is what will bring you success in real estate.

What Can A Real Estate Investing Education Do For You?

There are endless benefits that come with investing in a real estate education.  Regardless of how grand your entrepreneurial dreams are, nothing will take you further than an investment in education. Consequently, an education is the one thing that separates the good entrepreneurs from the great ones.

Today’s greatest investors already know it, and it’s about time you did, too: an investment in education is an investment in your future. Noting, for that matter will take your career in the real estate industry further than a solid foundation built on a sound education. If for nothing else, it’s true what they say: knowledge really is power—and the real estate industry is no exception. The more you know, the more you’ll be able to navigate a particularly complicated industry with tact, precision, and confidence.

It is worth noting, however, that an investment education isn’t simply an accumulation of specific information, but rather an entire ecosystem of advantageous outlets. In addition to awarding savvy investors with the ability to invest wisely, a sound real estate investing education will broaden one’s horizons almost exponentially. Through a proper education, one will discover how to simultaneously work smarter and as a team. That said, a good education will introduce you to countless professionals along your journey, some of whom may also contribute to your investing success. Remember, real estate is a people business, and the contacts you make along the way may help you just as much as the education you receive.

A real estate investing education isn’t simply an opportunity to learn new things; it’s nothing less than a catalyst for today’s most successful investors. With knowledge, and the constant pursuit of it, investors will open up doors they never even knew were an option. Therein lies the true benefit of a real estate investing education: it allows investors to tap into unlimited potential.

Here at FortuneBuilders, we believe everyone has the potential to invest in real estate with a high degree of success. Not only that, but we award those who are interested in investing in real estate with the tools and network they need to get their own business up and running. Our free 2-hour class serves as the catalyst you may need to initiate your own business, and once in for all strive for financial freedom.

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Real estate education

12 Reasons To Invest In A Real Estate Education

If that’s not enough to get you excited about expanding your own real estate investing education, there are at least 12 additional reasons to pay special considerations to:

  • The upfront cost of an education is an investment in your future; one that can produce incredible returns.
  • A real estate education will create more opportunities than many people know what to do with.
  • It is never too early or too late to start investing in real estate, which bodes well for your future.
  • Few retirement strategies may compete on the same level as a cash-flowing rental property portfolio.
  • Real estate is one of the best options people have at their disposal to achieve financial freedom.
  • Over the past 50 years, 71% of Americans who claimed at least $1 million on their income tax returns had a hand in real estate.
  • Business coaching is seen as an invaluable resource in any industry.
  • Real estate is one of the safest investments for securing one’s financial future, and the future of their families.
  • The barrier of entry into real estate is low, as there is no need for a college degree.
  • Real estate boasts investing strategies that can suite almost anyones financial goals.
  • Access to funding is easier to secure than most people realize, as long as they know where to look.
  • There is no need to invest with money out of your own pocket, especially when private money lenders are ready and willing to fund deals that have potential.

If you dream of leaving your nine-to-five job for something that will allow you to be independent and free from financial stress, we’ve put together the following quotes, facts and FAQ’s to help you realize the potential influence a real estate education could have on your life.

An investment in real estate education


It should be noted that not just any real estate investing education will do; you need to receive a proper investment education. If for nothing else, not all information is created equal; some is inherently more valuable. That said, the need for a proper education is more valuable than ever before. Those who receive the proper education and systems will have an unquestionable advantage over the competition, and there’s no reason that couldn’t be you.

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