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Learn How To Start Investing In Real Estate

What is the Assessed Value of a Property?

Written by Than Merrill

Understanding the assessed value of a property is crucial for anyone involved in real estate, whether you’re a homeowner, investor, or considering purchasing property. This value not only affects how much you pay in property taxes but can also influence your decisions when buying or selling real estate. This article is designed to help you succeed by guiding you through what the assessed value is, how it’s determined, and how it differs from other valuations like appraised and market value.

What is the Assessed Value of a House?

The assessed value of a property is a valuation placed on a property by a public tax assessor for purposes of taxation. It takes into account various factors about the property, including its size, location, and any improvements made. This value is crucial as it determines the amount of property tax the owner is required to pay. Understanding the assessed value is well worth the work, as it has a direct impact on your financial commitments to the property.

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Assessed Value vs Appraised Value vs Market Value

While the assessed value is used primarily for taxation, it’s one of several valuations that can be assigned to a property. Let’s break down the differences:

  • Assessed Value: This is the value determined by the tax assessor and used to calculate property taxes. It’s periodically updated to reflect current property values.

  • Appraised Value: A professional appraiser determines this value based on a detailed inspection of the property and analysis of the market. It’s often used in the buying and selling process, as well as for refinancing purposes.

  • Market Value: This is the amount a buyer is willing to pay for a property under current market conditions. It can fluctuate more frequently than the other two values, influenced by factors like supply and demand.

Understanding these differences is essential for making informed decisions related to property investment and ownership.

What Factors Influence Assessed Value of A Home

Several factors can influence the assessed value of a property. Location is a significant factor; properties in desirable areas tend to have higher assessed values. The size of the property and any improvements or additions made to the house also play critical roles. Local government assessors take these factors into account when determining the assessed value, ensuring it reflects the property’s current state and real estate market conditions.

Who is Responsible for Determining Assessed Values?

Local government assessors are tasked with evaluating properties and determining their assessed value. These professionals undergo training to accurately assess property values, ensuring fairness and accuracy in the taxation process. Their work is vital for both the local government’s budget and for homeowners understanding their fiscal responsibilities.

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How To Find Assessed Value of a Property

Finding the assessed value is simpler than you might think. Many municipalities provide this information online through their official websites. Alternatively, you can contact your local assessor’s office directly for this information. Real estate websites and databases can also offer insights into a property’s assessed value, making it easier for potential buyers and current owners to stay informed.

Can You Challenge a Property’s Assessed Value?

Yes, you can challenge the assessed value of your property if you believe it’s inaccurate. This process typically involves filing an appeal with your local assessor’s office, providing evidence that supports your claim, such as recent sales data of similar properties or an appraisal. It’s a step that can potentially reduce your property tax burden, making it an option worth considering if you have concerns about your property’s assessed value.


Understanding the assessed value of a property is fundamental for anyone involved in real estate. It affects your property taxes, influences buying and selling decisions, and plays a crucial role in managing your investment. By staying informed about how assessed values are determined and knowing how to find this information, you can navigate the real estate market more confidently and effectively. Remember, being well-informed is designed to help you succeed in your real estate endeavors, making every effort to understand the assessed value of a property well worth the work.

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